WARM Festival

A WARM Festival takes place in Sarajevo every year at the end of June and beginning of July. This year Warm Fest will start on July 8th and it will last until July 13th. WARM is an international Foundation working on the world’s contemporary conflicts, dedicated to war reporting, war art, war memory. Website: http://www.warmfoundation.org/

PitchWise Festival

The PitchWise Festival, organized by the CURE Foundation, deals with women’s art and activism, women’s rights, promotion of peace and non-violence, speaks through exhibitions, performances, workshops, panel discussions, political theater. The PitchWise Festival takes place in September. Website:  www.fondacijacure.org

Economy, Agriculture and Crafts Fair

The Sarajevo Economy Fair is organized under the motto “domestic product in the service of citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina”. The greatest attention is paid to the sector of small and medium entrepreneurship as a generator of regional and local growth and development. Website: www.skenderija.ba